Nico Carpentier is Associate Professor at the Communication Studies Department of the Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB - Free University of Brussels) and Lecturer at Charles University in Prague. He is a research fellow at Loughborough University and the Cyprus University of Technology. He is also an executive board member of the International Association for Media and Communication Research (IAMCR) and he was vice-president of the European Communication Research and Education Association (ECREA) from 2008 to 2012. Recent publications are: Trans-reality television. The transgression of reality, genre, politics and audience (ed., with Van Bauwel)(2010), Media and participation. A site of ideological-democratic struggle (2011), Audience transformations (ed., with Schroeder & Hallett)(2014), Social engagement, civil society and online media (in Dutch and French)(2014) and The social construction of death (ed., with Van Brussel)(expected August 2014). Keynote Address: Expanding communication and media studies' interdisciplinary reach |
Nico Carpentier |
Vicki Mayer is a Professor of Communication at Tulane University. She has published widely on media consumption and audiences, production and producers. She is Editor of the journal Television & New Media (http://tvn.sagepub.com/), and she directs the digital humanities projects MediaNOLA (medianola.org) and New Orleans Historical (neworleanshistorical.org). Keynote Address: Where Did Audience Ethnography Go? The Turn to Production Studies in Media Research |
Vicki Mayer |